In a sad event, a 13-year-old boy was electrocuted in Delhi while playing cricket. The young boy, who lost his life in a tragic event on Saturday afternoon after coming in contact with an iron pole carrying wires as went to get the ball at the Ranhola area. The incident is said to have occurred around 1:30 pm on Saturday at a ground located in West Delhi’s Kotla Vihar Phase 2.
However, at the moment of the tragic incident, the boy’s friends called the police, meanwhile the boy was referred to Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital. According to the police official, the boy was declared dead on arrival to the hospital.
“We got a PCR call on Saturday at 1:27 pm at the Ranhola Police Station regarding the death of a boy due to electrocution,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (Outer), Jimmy Chiram said. “He was immediately taken to DDU Hospital by PCR van where he was declared brought dead,” the DCP said.
Moreover, the police has filed a case under section of death of a person by negligible or rash act. A FIR under Section 106 (1) of the BNS has been registered and investigation has commenced. Furthermore, the victim’s mother, Anita Devi has demanded strict action against the gaushala (cow shed) and the power department.
“My son who was a student of class seven of a government school, went to play cricket with his friends on Saturday. He went near the gaushala to pick the ball. He got an electric shock from a pole carrying electric wire to a cowshed,” Anita Devi said as quoted by News18. “Many small children go to the ground to play cricket and this can happen to anyone. When my son was dying, no one came forward to rescue him. My elder son was shouting there to save his life, but not even a single person asked the gaushala members to turn the power off,” she further added.
Delhi BJP President Virender Sachdeva has expressed grief over the death on the boy and has demanded investigation in the matter. “Such cases have become a case of criminal maintenance negligence of the power discoms. In all the cases of deaths due to electric shock this year, a case of criminal negligence should be registered against the power discoms concerned,” Sachdeva in a statement said.
A similar incident occurred in Goregaon East, Mumbai where a 10-year-old boy, Adil Chaudhary, came into contact with metal sheets when he climbed onto the roof of a police chowki to fetch the ball, resulting in his death.