The All-India Football Federation (AIFF) has revealed its long-term vision to enhance football in India. Marking 2047 as a landmark year - being the centenary year of India’s Independence - AIFF plans on making India a global superpower. While presenting the strategic roadmap of Indian football, AIFF General Secretary Shaji Prabhakaran underlined 2047 as a 'momentous year' for India, and claimed '25 years down the line Indian football will be in an incredible state.'

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Mr. Prabhakaran revealed that Vision 2047 will be divided into six cycles of development and the new management committee from 2022-26 will check Indian football's progress and move ahead accordingly. "We want to be top four in Asia, one of the top six leagues in Asia, and one iconic footballer each from men's and women's football. We have to have a national football philosophy and have a coach that fits into out philosophy and that will be data-driven," Mr. Prabhakaran said.

The general secretary also claimed that AIFF intends to overhaul the Indian football structure to bring change in every aspect of the game. From governance and administration, football development to business and marketing division, we will have changes in every aspect," added Mr Prabhakaran.

"Centre of excellence in every state, 50 professional clubs to have their own ground, 20,000 clubs by 2047, and 1 million registered children’s footballers by 2026," were few of the notable takeaways from the AIFF's highly-ambitious plan for Indian football. Mr. Prabhakaran further informed that AIFF is working towards signing 50 professional referees and will soon announce their names.

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Stressing on the progress of women's football in the country, he assured a minimum wage for female players and claimed that men and football players will be treated equally. "Women will be treated at par with men's football, given equal opportunity and status. We will bring a safeguarding department within the federation so that they feel safe," Prabhakaran added.