India's Roshibina Devi confirmed another medal after entering the Wushu 60kg finals at the Asian Games 2023. Roshibina registered a 2-0 win over Thi Thu Thuy Nguyen to reach the final of the event. Before the semi-final at the Xiaoshan Guali Sports Centre Sanda, the Indian star defeated Aiman Karshyga of Kazakhstan by WPD (Winner by Gap Point).
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Notably, the Manipur-born Wushu player won a former bronze medal winner for India at the previous Asian Games in Jakarta-Palembang. In 2018, Roshibina Devi Naorem defeated Mubashra Akhtar of Pakistan in the quarter-final to secure a medal, but she had to settle for bronze after the eventual gold medal winner Cai Yingying of China defeated her in the semi-final.