Apple unveiled its new iPhone 15 lineup at its Wonderlust event on Tuesday, September 12 announcing plans to bring some AAA console and PC games to the mobile platform. Powering the new Pro lineup of iPhones is the A17 Pro chip, which takes the upcoming iPhone Pro to a new level in mobile gaming with better graphic performance and ray tracing, a technology that displays realistic light in video games.
Because of the powered-up chip, the console versions of Resident Evil Village, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Death Stranding, and Assassin's Creed Mirage will come to the iPhone 15 Pro in the coming year, as conveyed by Apple. While Apple has long boasted its iPhones are capable of "console quality" gaming, this is the first time full versions of so-called "AAA" console games have been available on the mobile platform. The games for the iPhone 15 Pro will be released later this year or in early 2024.
Hideo Kojima has already announced that his genre-defying package delivery game Death Stranding will be heading to macOS later this year. The Division Resurgence, another Ubisoft game coming to the iPhone 15 Pro, is a mobile game first and foremost and is set in a post-crisis New York City after a deadly virus outbreak caused society and the government to collapse. It will also be available on Android in autumn/ fall of 2023.
It will obviously be difficult to play these games on a tiny screen with the translucent on-screen buttons that would take up the left-hand side for a movement analog stick and the right for action buttons. Connecting the iPhone 15 Pro via USB-C to a mobile controller that is detachable can help in this case, but it will still hinder the user's experience.