The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has announced the successful bidders of the Women's IPL. After Viacom18 bagged the media rights for the Women’s Premier League, the tournament has garnered bids worth INR 4,670 Crore after the successful financial bids were completed on Wednesday (January 25).
Also Read: Women IPL 2023 LIVE UPDATES
In the latest update it has been revealed that the successful bidders are Adani Sportsline Pvt. Ltd, Indiawin Sports Pvt. Ltd, Royal Challengers Sports Pvt. Ltd, JSW GMR Cricket Pvt. Ltd and Capri Global Holdings Pvt. Ltd. While Adani Sportsline Pvt. Ltd made the highest bid which was worth INR 1,289 Crore. Apart from this, Indiawin Sports Pvt. Ltd (Mumbai) took the bid worth INR 912.99 Crore, followed by Royal Challengers Sports Pvt. Ltd (Bengaluru) - INR 901 Cr, JSW GMR Cricket Pvt. Ltd (Delhi) - INR 810 Crore, and Capri Global Holdings Pvt. Ltd (Lucknow) - INR 757 Crore.
In a tweet from BCCI Secretary Jay Shah, it was also confirmed that the league will be officially called the Women’s Premier League.
Earlier, Viacom18 won the media rights for the upcoming Women’s League for a period of five years (2023-27). The media outlet bagged the rights in INR 951 Crore. Viacom18 already holds the media rights for the Men’s IPL.
Talking more about the Women’s Premier League, it was earlier confirmed that the soon-to-be-launched league will host 22 matches in the first three editions with the number of matches later being increased to 34 in the next two editions. However, the dates of the tournament are yet to be announced.