In a big update, a cricket coach Ram Lal Yadav was shot openly in the early hours of Monday, May 1. As reported, Yadav was standing outside DAV College when two men with covered faces reached the location on a bike and fired at him openly. As per latest reports, the coach is receiving treatment at a private facility for bullet wounds. His condition is said to be currently stable, and the physicians who are treating him have reported that he is no longer in danger.
Several people were near the location for morning walks. After hearing gunfire, locals rushed the victim to a private hospital, according to a senior police official. Two hours after the incident, the police were notified of the crime. At first glance, it seems the coach was killed because of a long-standing grudge.
RS Gautam, the DCP of Kashi Zone in a statement said, “We have checked the CCTV footage. The video shows two people firing openly. Police teams have been dispatched to find and arrest the accused persons. Further inspection of the incident is underway.”
The motive behind the gruesome attack is still unknown and the police are working on it. The witnesses who were near the location for morning walks are also being questioned by the Uttar Pradesh Police Department.