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Picture Credit: Twitter

The team-based tennis tournament Davis Cup is set to be included in the  Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) circuit for the 2023 season. The World Cup of Tennis has been the longest-running and largest annual international team event in the sport with 122 years of history as the ATP, International Tennis Federation (ITF) and Kosmos Tennis joined hands in a historic agreement. 

The ATP released a statement regarding this new partnership which is set to help the players in planning their annual schedule when they are touted to play in their national Davis Cup team. The statement further addressed that the Davis Cup finals continue with their ongoing format with a $15 million prize money in 2023.

The statement said, "This integration will support players in planning their annual schedule when selected to play in their national Davis Cup team. The Finals will continue under its existing format, offering $15 million in player prize money in 2023."

The new partnership, it said, would "enable strategic collaboration on the competition's governance and evolution, with ATP, granted two of six seats on a newly formed Davis Cup Event Committee alongside the ITF (International Tennis Federation) and Kosmos, long-term investors and promoters of the competition".

ATP Chairman, Andrea Gaudenzi, also commented on the partnership which is set to bring a better tennis experience for both players and fans. Gaudenzi further spoke on how this partnership allows ATP to be part of the rich tennis history with the Davis Cup.

He said, “Our focus is always on creating the best possible experiences for our fans and players. Delivering compelling international team competitions that dovetail with the year-round calendar and continue to innovate is a vital part of that. The Davis Cup has an incredibly rich history and we’re excited to see this important new alliance drive the event forward from 2023.”