Indian boxers Deepak Bhoria (51kg) and Nishant Dev (71kg) have been named in the India squad for the upcoming Asian Games 2023. The Indian body on Saturday announced the selection of the bronze-medal winners at the World Championships. Among others, star boxers Nikhat Zareen (51kg) and Lovlina Borgohain (75kg) have also been named in the Indian contingent.
Nikhat Zareen and Lovlina will join Parveen Hooda (57kg), the 2022 World Championship bronze medalist Jaismine Lamboria (60kg), Arundhati Chaudhary, and Preeti Pawar in the women's team for the Asian Games.
Notably, the Asian Games in Hangzhou will mark as the first qualifier event in boxing for the 2024 Olympics which will be held in Paris.
Talking about the Indian boxers, Deepak and Nishant made a strong impression at the World Championships in May, losing tough matches in the semifinals to take home bronze medals. However, Amit Phanghal, the current Asian Games light flyweight champion and 2019 World Championship silver medalist, won't be able to defend his title, as he was unable to outrank Deepak Bhoria in the evaluation.
Nitu Ghanghas, the current world champion in the weight class for women 48kg, also failed to qualify since Preeti Pawar beat her in the 54kg division. As the 51kg division at the Asian Games is already reserved for Nikhat, Nitu had to move weight classes because the 48kg level isn't offered in the Olympics.
India squad:
Women: Nikhat Zareen (51kg), Preeti Pawar (54kg), Parveen Hooda (57kg), Jaismine Lamboria (60 kg ), Arundhati Chaudhary (66 kg ), Lovlina Borgohain (75 kg ).
Men: Deepak Bhoria (51 kg ), Sachin Siwach (57 kg ), Shiva Thapa (63.5 kg ), Nishant Dev (71 kg ), Lakshya Chahar (80 kg ), Sanjeet (92 kg ), Narender Berwal (92+ kg ).