Sachin Tendulkar, the former Indian cricketer and Bharat Ratna, has sent out a post on X to express “deep sadness” on the serial blasts, which happened in the state of Kerala, India, on Sunday, October 29. The 50-year-old also shared his condolences to the families affected by the tragic accident, while praying for the recovery of people who got injured.
The serial blasts, which happened during a Christian religious gathering at an international convention centre in Kalamassery, Ernakulam district of Kerala, resulted in one person being dead and several getting injured. It was further revealed that the site had hundreds of followers of Jehovah’s Witnesses praying together on the concluding day of their three-day-long meeting.
Taking to his official X account, Sachin Tendulkar sent out the post for the Kerala blasts, which read, “Deeply saddened by the blasts in Kerala. Condolences to the affected families, and praying for the recovery of those injured.”
The Police Chief of Kerala, Shaik Darvesh Saheb spoke to the reporters in Thiruvananthapuram that as per their preliminary probe, an improvised explosive device (IED) was utilised for the serial blasts. He said, “This morning at 9.40 am approximately, there was an explosion in Zamrah International Convention Centre in Kalamassery in which one person died and 36 people are undergoing treatment as per our information.”