India’s young all-rounder Kashvee Gautam became the most expensive uncapped player in the WPL auction after being sold to Gujarat Giants for INR 2 Crore. A total of 165 players, including 61 overseas players went under the hammer at the second Women's Premier League (WPL) auction on December 9, Saturday, in Mumbai. The teams had a total of 30 slots open, including 9 for overseas players. The day proved to be a historical one for Kashvee as she became the most expensive uncapped player in the WPL auction after Gujarat Giants bid the highest for her.
Gautam broke the record of Vrinda Dinesh's record, who had fetched INR 1.3 Crore just a few minutes prior. Dinesh was sold to UP Warriorz. The 20-year-old Kashvee holds several records in the women’s cricket. She picked a hattrick for her team Chandigarh against their rivals Arunachal Pradesh in a thrilling one-day match in the women’s domestic U-19 tournament. Not only this, but she also picked a total of 12 wickets in the Women's Senior T20 Trophy 2023.
Kashvee was also selected to participate in the notable Hong Kong ACC Emerging tournament. The auction saw UP Warriorz and Gujarat Titans engaging in a high-intensity war for Gautam and, Warriorz eventually withdrew, marking the conclusion of a captivating bidding war in favour of the Giants. Gautam became a social media sensation and a trending topic in no time, and fans took to X (formerly Twitter) to react to it.
Gujarat Giants made the biggest overhaul before the auction by releasing 11 players. They had finished last in 2023.