Ammar “Destro” Khan, the renowned Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) player, denied the rumours of leaving Gladiators. Khan has represented several esports organisations, including the likes of SynerGE, UMumba Esports, Team XSpark, Celtz Esports, OR Esports, Skylights Gaming, Chemin Esports. Khan is currently a part of Gladiators Esports. The esports champion has won several awards, including BGMI Masters Series (BGMS) Season 2 2023 and BGMI India Series (BGIS) 2023.
Earlier, there were rumours that Destro was leaving his current team; but the player took to Instagram to deny them. The player shared the message with his fans that he and his team are not planning to leave the team and will continue being a part of it in the future. He shared a message addressing the rumours writing, “Dear fans and supporters, I wanted to take a moment to address any speculations circulating regarding our team and organization. Let me assure you: neither I nor any of my teammates have any intention of parting ways. Gladiators Esports isn't just an organization to us; it's our home.”
He added, “Over the next three years, we are steadfast in our commitment to standing together and achieving greatness. Get ready for thrilling developments, including an extraordinary video unveiling the upcoming Skyesports League, a spectacle that is sure to captivate your attention to kickstart 2024 with a Bang! Our focus remains resolute as we gear up for the upcoming BGMI IPS, aiming to excel as a tightly knit team. It's time to put an end to the rumors; we are here to stay, united with Gladiators Esports. Stay tuned for more exhilarating updates.”
The rumours arose because several teams, after the conclusion of the BGMI Pro Series (BMPS) 2023 started making roster changes even achieving desired results.