After 73 gruelling games, the 2023 season of the Indian Premier League heads towards its conclusion as Chennai Super Kings take on the Gujarat Titans. The Grand finale is scheduled to take place at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad with two stunning teams locking horns for the elusive title. But as the final is just around the corner, a big question looms regarding the prize money given to the winner, runner-up and other teams in the tournament.
With the IPL being the biggest cricketing league in the world, it boasts a massive total prize purse of INR 46.5 crore as reported. Going per last year’s figure, the winning team received INR 20 Crore while the runner’s-up was given INR 13 Crore. Further, the team with the third-place finish received INR 7 Crore, followed by the fourth team earning Rs 6.5 crore as per Sportstar.
Along with the team awards, the IPL also presents individual awards which have also seen a rise in their prize money. The batter scoring the most runs gets the Orange Cap and a cash reward of INR 15 lakh. Similarly, the highest wicket-taker of the tournament is given the Purple Cap and also receives an equal reward of INR 15 lakh.
Further, the Emerging Player of the tournament will receive a cash reward of INR 20 lakh, while the Most Valuable Player of the season receives prize money of INR 12 lakh. The other awards like the Power Player of the Season, Super Striker of the Season will get a cash reward of INR 15 lakh, while the Game Changer of the Season will receive INR 12 lakh respectively.