BGMI players in India are asking for an opportunity to show their skills and it has finally come with Loco, India’s leading esports and live-streaming platform, joining hands with Upthrust Esports to launch the BGMI Challengers Showdown. It is a gaming tournament that aims to foster inclusivity and diversity in the Indian esports scene. The event will run from 20 June to 2 July and will feature a whopping prize pool of INR 10,00,000.
The BGMI Challengers Showdown is open to gamers of all levels and backgrounds, offering 1000 slots for underdog teams to compete against 20 invited pro-teams which includes likes of Godlike Esports, Team Soul, Team XSpark, Revenant Esports, and Orangutan. The tournament will have two stages: the open qualifiers and the semi-finals with the open qualifiers having 1000 teams divided into 50 groups of 20 teams each.
The top four teams from each group will advance to the semi-finals, where they will join the 20 invited teams. The semi-finals will have eight groups of eight teams each, with the top two teams from each group qualifying for the grand finale. The final will see 16 teams battling it out for glory and a share of the massive prize pool.
“We are excited to host the Challengers Showdown on Loco,” said Ashwin Suresh, Founder of Loco. “Our platform is dedicated to leveling the playing field and giving gamers, regardless of their background, an opportunity to showcase their skills. With Loco, the exhilaration of esports becomes an immersive and inclusive experience,” Suresh further continued.
Building upon the overwhelming success of the previous season featuring New State: Mobile and Free Fire, the Challengers Showdown will aim at the immensely popular Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) and Counterstrike: Global Offensive (CS: GO). Loco is streaming and powered by sponsor for this grand tournament with the live action available on Upthrust Esports’ YouTube channel and Loco.