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Faisal Halim, the Malaysian footballer, who suffered severe burns on his body in an assault on May 5, is expected to make an emotional return to the sport after his recovery is going well. Shahril Baharim, the technical committee chairman of Selangor FC, where Faisal Halim plays, stated that his player will return in three to six months.

Notably, the assault on Faisal Halim happened at a shopping mall outside of the capital city of Kuala Lumpur on May 5, which led to severe burns on his neck, shoulder, hands, and chest. The 26-year-old underwent a three-hour skin allograft surgery on Monday, May 20, which the team doctor at Selangor FC, Muhammad Hazwan Khair, called “better than expected.”

Malaysia's  Faisal Halim  to make emotional return after suffering acid attack

Shahril Baharim spoke in a media briefing about the latest update on the condition of Faisal Halim on Wednesday, May 22. He said, as per Sportstar, “I was told that with this progress, there is a big possibility that he will be back (on the pitch) by three to six months. This is based on what the doctors told me, the faster the better, that’s our hope. His recovery is very, very good. I was told that the skin grafting can only cover 70 per cent of the wounded area, but it was a miracle that he managed to get 100 per cent.”

The Selangor FC official also spoke about a minor surgery which Faisal Halim will undergo on Thursday, May 23. He remarked, “The doctors will observe Faisal’s condition tomorrow to determine if he can be discharged in the next few days.”

Moreover, Faisal Halim, also known as “Mickey” in footballing circles, scored against South Korea during the Asian Cup 2023, which was voted as the best goal of the tournament.