The former Indian cricketer, Laxman Sivaramakrishnan, launched a scathing attack through his official Twitter account on Ravichandran Ashwin, after the off spinner was selected in the ODI World Cup 2023 squad for Team India. On September 30, Saturday, the 57-year-old made some controversial comments on the current Indian cricketer, before receiving a phone call from him to settle their differences.
Also Read: ICC World Cup 2023 could be my last World Cup for India: Ravichandran Ashwin
Firstly, Laxman Sivaramakrishnan denounced the proud record of Ravichandran Ashwin as a Test match bowler in India, calling the pitches in the country “doctored” for him on Twitter. He went on to state that “any fool will get wickets on tampered pitches in India,” before calling him a “liability fielder,” “most unfit cricketer,” and a person who “gives excuses for everything.”
But, sometime later, the 57-year-old sent out another tweet, talking about how he settled his differences with Ravichandran Ashwin, after receiving a call from him to the surprise of many. It read, “Ravi Ashwin was nice enough to call me just a while ago to discuss his bowling action, he was as shocked with the venom of the trolls as I was. Also clarified that the people involved are in NO WAY connected to him. GOOD LUCK @ashwinravi99 Do us proud.”
The comment from Laxman Sivaramakrishnan about how he was acting like a venomous troll on the microblogging site shocked the off-spin bowler. He also spoke about how Ravichandran Ashwin was happy to discuss his action with him, clarifying his doubts associated with it.