The record five-time IPL title winners, Mumbai Indians on Friday, December 15 announced a change in captaincy. One of the most successful franchisees in the Indian Premier League named Hardik Pandya as their new skipper, replacing their longest serving Rohit Sharma, at the helm.
While this decision came as a surprise jut day after the franchise traded Indian all-rounder Hardik Pandya from the Gujarat Titans ahead of the IPL 2024 auction. However, in the latest move, this move of MI hasn’t rested well among the fans as the franchise saw a significant drop in followers. As reported by several media houses, the franchise lost around 400K followers in just an hour of the captaincy announcement on X (Formerly Twitter), while there was a drop of 200K followers and counting on Instagram.
The IPL franchise on Friday, December 15 took to social media to make one of the biggest announcements. “To new beginnings. Good luck, #CaptainPandya” the franchise captioned the post.
Just minutes after the announcement, the franchise also shared a heartfelt post, thanking Rohit for his services at the helm in a post captioned, “Ro, In 2013 you took over as captain of MI. You asked us to Believe. In victories & defeats, you asked us to Smile. 10 years & 6 trophies later, here we are. Our forever captain, your legacy will be etched in Blue & Gold. Thank you, Captain RO”.
Talking more about MI’s “forever captain” Rohit Sharma, he led the side to win titles in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020. In 163 matches as captain, Rohit has won 91 of them and lost only 68 with four matches getting tied.