Indian wrestler Nisha Dahiya has been ruled out of the ongoing 2024 Paris Olympics with a severe shoulder injury, which occurred during her women’s 68kg event against North Korea’s Pak Sol Gum on Monday, August 5. However, the Indian wrestler suffered a heartbreaking defeat against her North Korean opponent by 8-10 margin, she still had some chance with the repechage round ahead.
But the India was forced to end her campaign at the Summer Games after sustaining a severe injury which included her to take several medical timeouts. Dahiya was notably leading 8-1 at one point but sustained a shoulder injury during the match. However, her opponent took advantage of the injury as the Indian struggled with pain, advancing to the semi-finals.
The Indian Olympic Association also confirmed the severity of the injury in a statement which read, “Wrestler Nisha sustained a severe shoulder injury during her bout today. It required reduction and MRI. She has been ruled out of the competition. The course of her treatment will be planned after further tests are performed.”
Nisha Dahiya “hurt intentionally” by North Korean wrestler, claims coach Virender
Moreover, the Indian national team coach, Virender Dahiya has claimed that the Indian wrestler was “hurt intentionally” by her North Korean opponent. “It was 100 percent intentional. They hurt her intentionally. We had seen, there was an instruction from the Korean corner. They attacked the joint. They have taken away the medal from her,” he told PTI.
“The way Nisha had started, the medal was in her neck and it has been taken away. The attacks were clear, the counter-attack worked and the defence was compact. She had beaten the same wrestler at the Asian Qualifier, there was no way Nisha was losing this,” Virender further added.