Famous comedian Ryan Davis brutally roasted NBA star Kevin Durant in a five-minute-long video after being called trash. Durant recently got in a Twitter war with fans claiming to play offense and scoring runs is more important to win a game than playing on defence. The claim garnered a lot of attention from several big faces, and Davis was one of them who left a comment on Durant’s Instagram. 

It has always been believed that defence is something that gives team wins in championship, but Durant was persistent on the otherwise. However, Dravis’ comment on the Phoenix Suns’ star left him furious and he decided to defend his take by mocking the comedian. However, Davis didn’t hold himself back and gave a fitting reply to the American basketball great by brutally roasting him in a five-minute-long video. 

Watch the video here: 

In the video that spread like wildfire on social media, Davis could be heard saying, “You know what Kevin Durant has never had? I know you're thinking waves and you're right. But Kevin Durant has never had an All-Defensive selection.” The comedian went on to say, “I wouldn't expect you to know about defence, because playing defence takes heart, and after you joined the Golden State Warriors, we all knew you didn’t have a heart.” 

Davis didn’t stop there and further said, "You have the nerve to name yourself easymoneysniper (his Instagram username). You know what a sniper is? A killer. You know what a sniper is? Accurate. Those are two things you are not whenever a team is depending on you to carry them to victory. You miss everything.” In addition to this he said, “You left the Golden State Warriors, and what did they do, they won without you because they didn’t need a pea shooter.” 

The former State Warriors player hasn’t given any reply on the same yet. However, after such a brutal roast, Durant is expected to come with a better comeback.