Picture Credit: Instagram

Picture Credit: Instagram

On Saturday, May 18, Louis Vuitton unveiled a new chapter in their iconic Core Values campaign featuring Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, two of the greatest tennis players of all-time. With a campaign tagline, “There are Journeys that turn into Legends,” Louis Vuitton had Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal ascend to the summit of the Dolomites mountain range in Italy.

Shot by the iconic photographer Annie Leibovitz, the feature image of the Core Values campaign from Louis Vuitton had Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal standing tall on the 3,000 metres high Dolomites mountain range. Federer was donning the Monogram Christopher backpack, while Nadal had the Monogram Eclipse backpack version.

Louis Vuitton took to their official Instagram account to share the picture of Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in their Core Values campaign. The excerpts of the caption talked about “how each personal journey can reach legendary heights when pursued with determination and a pioneering spirit.”

In the press release, Rafael Nadal spoke about featuring in the Core Values campaign of Louis Vuitton and said, “I know how many important icons have been part of this campaign, so for me personally, being part of it is something that I am very proud of, especially sharing it with Roger. He has been my biggest rival and now a close friend today.”

“It’s a unique opportunity to be working on this campaign with Rafa. How we could be such rivals and then at the end of our careers be beside each other doing this campaign has been very cool. And where we are here today, I think it also embodies everything: at the peak of the mountains. For us it is something meaningful and special,” said Roger Federer about his involvement with Louis Vuitton in their Core Values campaign.