Picture Credit: Twitter

Picture Credit: Twitter

Just minutes after her news of withdrawal from ongoing wrestlers’ protest, Olympical medallist Sakshi Malik has put an end to the rumours. The top India grappler shared an update after news of her withdrawal surfaced. The 30-year-old wrestler took to Twitter to share that the news is wrong.


The wrestler shared that she hasn’t backed out of the protest nor will anyone back off. She clarified that along with the protest she is fulfilling her duties in the railways and will continue to fight for justice.


“This news is completely wrong. In the fight for justice, none of us has backed down, nor will we. Along with Satyagraha, I am fulfilling my responsibility in Railways. Our fight continues till justice is served. Please don't spread any wrong news,” Malik tweeted sharing a screenshot of a news report from a news channel.

Another wrestlers and Olympic bronze medallist Bajrang Punia, who was also rumoured to have backed out of the protest also took to Twitter to clarify his stance. In his tweet, Punia said this news is just a rumour and has been spread just to harm on protesting wrestlers.


“The news of withdrawing the movement is just a rumour. These news  are being spread to harm us. We have neither retreated nor have we withdrawn the movement. The news of woman wrestlers raising FIR is also false. The fight will continue till justice is served,” Punia’s tweet read.