Riot Games announced the first-ever VALORANT esports tournament in India, Convergence. The America-based developers partnered with The Esports Club and Lenovo for the highly anticipated VALORANT clash. The event is set to kick off on December 14 to 17 in Bengaluru at the Manpho Convention Center. Convergence has been planned to bring together top VALORANT teams from different regions.
The forthcoming tournament will have two Indian teams, Global Esports and True Rippers Esports fighting for the lucrative prize pool. The other participants of the competition will be from different regions of Asia, Europe, and the Americas from Riot’s VALORANT Champions Tour (VCT). Talking about the teams, Global Esports would be one of the most looked out teams in the competition.
Having Bengaluru as their home ground, Global Esports will have an advantage over the rest of the teams. The competition will also feature FUT Esports, a Turkey-based team, which will be a strong title contender and will give tough competition to the other teams. Furia is another team from Brazil which is one of the most competitive FPS gaming regions in the world.
The other teams participating in the competition are Team Vitality from Europe, and Gen.G Esports, which is a North American/Korean organization. Not only this but the event will also have True Rippers Esports fighting for the coveted title. Though they are comparatively new to the esports industry and don’t have the same kind of experience as their competitors, they are expected to perform like underdogs in the forthcoming event.