Picture Credit: Twitter

Picture Credit: Twitter

The hype of Euro 2020 final between Italy and England was extreme on Sunday night and the craze could have been observed in the fans’ excitement for the game. Around 2 hours ahead of the mega final, thousands of fans assembled outside London’s Wembley Stadium and started partying along with beer and support chants.

Soon all the fun became violent when a small group out of these fans stormed into the stadium ahead of the game without tickets. The group forced its way into the ground to watch the final match. Interestingly, around three hours before the game, the police had advised the ticketless supporters to not travel to the stadium. However, in a video that has gone viral, it could be seen that none paid attention to police's advice and the fans also breached security barriers and forcefully tried to enter the stadium.

Watch the video here:

Following this, multiple eyewitnesses reported that fans were fighting with stewards and police, and tried to squeeze in through electronic gates to enter the stadium. An official further mentioned that there weren’t enough police personnel to manage the number of fans who were storming into the stadium.

Initially, the police at Wembley stadium denied of any breach of security at the Wembley stadium. However, they later clarified that a small group of fans forced way into the stadium without having tickets for the game.

Reacting on the issue, Football Association (FA) said in a statement that it’s "entirely unacceptable" and shameful for the England team. "We would work with the relevant authorities to take action against anyone who is identified to have illegally forced their way into the stadium," FA added in the statement.

Meanwhile, a stadium spokesperson mentioned that they worked closely with the stadium security in order to remove anyone who had entered the stadium illegally and did not carry a ticket.