Champion wrestler Vinesh Phogat was welcomed with a grand reception as she arrived at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi on Saturday following the heartbreak in the Paris Olympics 2024. Phogat scripted history as she reached the final of the Women's 50kg freestyle event at the Summer Games.
But on the day of the gold medal match, the 29-year-old was disqualified for missing her weight by 100 grams. After this decision, Phogat and her team appealed for a silver to the Court of Arbitration for Sport which was later turned down.
Vinesh Phogat receives grand welcome after landing in India
Through this process, Vinesh Phogat was celebrated as a hero and received a grand welcome as she landed in India. Phogat was welcomed by Congress MP Deepender Hooda, wrestlers Bajrang Punia, and Sakshi Malik as t here was a thick security cover for her.
Speaking to ANI about her close friend and fellow Wrestler Sakshi Malik said, "Today is a big day. What Vinesh has done for the country and women is amazing. I hope she continues to receive this honour... She is a Champion for us." Similarly, Bajrang Punia said, "She (Vinesh Phogat) is being welcomed like a champion. The country saw Vinesh's journey from the streets to the podium. We thank all the countrymen."