The IPL 2023 final match between Gujarat Titans (GT) and Chennai Super Kings (CSK) which was about to happen today (28 May), didn't take place due to heavy rainfall in Ahmedabad. However, since this game is the final of the IPL 2023, it isn't possible to call off the game without a result, thus a reserve day has been scheduled for this game on the next day (29 May).
Reserve day in cricket is used when a knockout match doesn't take place (or) cannot be completed on a date scheduled already. The contest gets shifted to another day (mostly the next day) in order to obtain a result for this knock-out game.
Before taking the call for the reserve day it should be noted that on match day
* Clash can start as late as 9:35 PM without losing any overs.
* Cut-off time for the five-over game is 12:06 AM.
In case even if reserve day gets washed out, then GT and CSK will try to play at least a Super Over if conditions permit. Even if Super Over also cannot happen on reserve day then Gujarat Titans gets crowned as champions since they finished at the top in the points table.