Shreyas Hareesh, the 13-year-old bike racing prodigy from Bengaluru, passed away under tragic circumstances on August 5, Saturday. The young boy was involved in a fatal crash during the third round of the MRF MMSC FMSCI Indian National Motorcycle Racing Championship (INMRC) at the Madras International Circuit in Chennai, which led to his untimely death.
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It was reported that Shreyas Hareesh, the sixth-grader who was born on July 26, 2010, lost his life after suffering a blow to his head, because of a racing accident as per the organisers, the Madras Motor Sports Club (MMSC) . When he was brought to the hospital, accompanied by his father Copparam Hareesh, the doctor pronounced him dead immediately.
MMSC President Ajit Thomas commented on the unforeseen tragedy and said, “It is tragic to have lost a rider so young and talented. Shreyas, who was making waves with his prodigious racing talent, was provided medical assistance on the spot immediately after the incident and taken to the hospital. Under the circumstances, we have decided to cancel the rest of this weekend’s programme. The MMSC offers heart-felt condolences and our thoughts are with his family.”
Hailed as the “The Bengaluru Kid,” Shreyas Hareesh was the next big thing in the Indian racing scene, winning many races in his young career at the national level. The 13-year-old got four victories in a row at the Petronas TVS One-Make Championship in the ongoing season, as per the Indian Express.
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Furthermore, Shreyas Hareesh created history this year, becoming the first India to make the World Championship final at the FIM MiniGP World Series finals in Spain. Last year, he won the inaugural edition of the FIM MiniGP World Series India.