India's Jyothi Yarraji saw her bronze medal change to silver in the Women's 100m hurdles final after the ruling on a controversial false start by Yanni Wu of China. Before the race, Yanni was disqualified for a false start and similarly, Yarraji was also taken out as she followed the Chinese star among other huddlers.
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Hence both Yanni and Yarraji were appealing against the disqualification. With a lot of confusion, the officials took a call to restart the with all competitors and decided to take action after the race. As the starting shot was fired, Jyothi Yarraji finished third with a time of 12.91s.
While Yanni Wu took first place ahead of her fellow Chinese huddled Yuwei Lin. However, after the officials took some time to come up with a decision and disqualified Wu, giving Lin the gold and upgrading Yarraji's bronze to a silver medal.
Addressing the incident, Adille Sumariwalla, Vice President of World Athletics, while speaking to RevSports, said, “This was nonsense. I will take this up at the highest level. Action will be taken against the Chinese officials. They tried to disqualify Jyothi which was outright wrong."