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Picture Credit: X

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) comes up with a new Royale Pass in each major update that has a unique theme and rewards. The battle royale game was expected to launch, and while there are no official announcements yet, the leaks suggest that there will be multiple upgradable rewards being offered to the players. Some of the rewards that the royale battle title is offering its players are the upgradable Pan and Molotov skins. 

As per the leaks by a YouTuber named Creative Pavan, the Royale Pass will be introduced in the BGMI 3.0 update. The latest update will have the levels going up to level 100. Along with this, it is also expected that the 3.0 update will have two new modes named shadow force mode. The modes will be based on a futuristic theme along with a Dragon theme. 

Leaked rewards of BGMI A5 Royale Pass

  • The Royale Pass is expected to feature an upgradable Pan Skin. Along with it, it is likely to have a loot box skin as well as a kill feed animation effect.
  • The update would also have a Molotov skin with a kill field animation. 
  • The A5 Royale Pass will have a level 100 mythic outfit. It will be a female outfit based on the Dragon Abode theme matching the Pan skin.

The updated pass will be available in two varieties, and players will be able to choose between them based on their preference. The players will get the option between a monthly version that unlocks levels 1-50 in the first month and 51-100 in the second, or else, they will be able to buy the entire Royale Pass at once costing 720 UC. Not only this, but there will also be one more Royale Pass variant known as Elite Pass, whose monthly edition would cost 960 UC, and purchasing it for months one and two costs 1920 UC.

Players would be able to avail the rewards by completing missions or can buy the Royale Pass to access the premium rewards.