The headquarters of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games organising committee was raided by the French Police, as part of a corruption probe on June 20, Tuesday. It has been reported that the search of the premises were done by the BRDE, the financial brigade of the Parisian Police, along with the investigators for anti-corruption and financial crime.
The organising committee of the quadrennial games, also known as COJOP, has been investigated for their alleged involvement in the embezzlement of public funds and favouritism.
The raids were done, not only at the headquarters of the organising committee of Paris 2024, but also at other places, including SOLIDEO, the public body responsible for constructing venues in the host city for the Olympics next year.
The spokesperson of the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office in France, reportedly talked to ABC News about two open investigations regarding this matter.
The first investigation began in 2017, which was about possible “counts of illegal taking of interests, embezzlement of public funds, favouritism and concealment of favouritism targeting several contracts awarded in particular by,” the organising committee.
Meanwhile, the second investigation began in 2022, which was about possible "illegal taking of interests, favouritism and concealment of favouritism relating to several contracts awarded by the COJOP and SOLIDEO, following an inspection by the French Anti-Corruption Agency.”
In a statement released to the media regarding the raids from French Police, Paris 2024 were quoted as saying, “A search is currently underway at the headquarters of the organising committee. Paris 2024 is cooperating fully with the investigators to facilitate their inquiries.”
Meanwhile, the International Olympic Committee sent out a statement about the matter through a spokesperson, which read, ““We are aware that there has been a search by police of the Paris 2024 headquarters today. We have been informed by Paris 2024 that they are cooperating fully with the authorities in this matter.”