Haryana Sports Minister and former hockey player Sandeep Singh has been accused of sexual harassment by a junior female coach in the state. The woman has accused Singh touched her inappropriately when she visited the latter at his home for some document-related work. The woman further accused Singh of intentionally harassing her by transferring her. Meanwhile, Singh has denied the allegations. 

The police have launched a probe into the matter. The Chandigarh Police had lodged an FIR against Sandeep, a former Olympian, on charges of stalking, illegal confinement, sexual harassment and criminal intimidation.

Both parties have been questioned by the police separately. While the female coach was questioned for around eight hours last week, Singh was questioned for seven straight hours on Sunday. The accused was asked a total of 202 questions during the interrogation. 

Sandeep told Total TV that he joined the police investigation Sunday, adding that his advocate Deepak Sabharwal is looking after the case. Sabharwal said the minister had received a notice under Section 41A of the CrPC on Saturday in which he was asked to appear at 11:30 am on Sunday.

“On the basis of that notice, Sandeep Singh had gone to Chandigarh’s Sector-26 police station at 11:30 am and they (investigators) questioned Sandeep till 7 pm. Whatever questions they asked, he replied. Whatever documentary proofs we had, we have handed them over to the police,” the lawyer told the TV channel.

Asked about the allegations of the woman coach, Sabharwal said: “Sandeep Singh has told the police that the allegations against him are false and baseless while giving documentary proofs in this regard. He told the police that he would join the investigation as and when called.”

“Biggest thing is that if an occurrence takes place with someone on July 1, 2022, I don’t think a person will be quiet for six months. The complainant has lodged her complaint for the first time on December 29, 2022. A delay matters a lot in a criminal case,” the lawyer added.

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Meanwhile, Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar has said that Singh will continue to remain in the ministry. “He is still a Minister and holds the charge of printing and stationery department,” the Chief Minister said.