Former Pakistani Prime Minister and the 1992 Cricket World Cup winning captain Imran Khan has been sentenced to 14-year imprisonment after he and his wife Bushra Bibi were found guilty of corruption in the 190 million pounds Al-Qadir Trust case. Bushra also got seven-year imprisonment as a punishment  for the offense. Pakistan court convicted Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi over the offense on Friday, January 17. 

Imran Khan has been held in custody with around 200 cases since August 2023. However, his party claims that the latest conviction was made to put the former Prime Minister in the pressure and make him silent. "I will neither make any deal nor seek any relief," Imran said after his courtroom conviction as quoted in NDTV Sports. 

Imran Khan sentenced to 14-year jail sentence 

Judge Nasir Javed Rana announced a 14-year and 7-year jail sentence for Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi respectively. “The prosecution has proven its case. Khan is convicted," Javed Rana said while announcing the sentence. The anti-graft summoned in the jail near Islamabad where Imran is being held. The court convicted him and his wife over their welfare foundation , Al-Qadir trust. Notably, the sentence was delayed several times in the last month where the analysts also believe that Khan was pressured to accept the deal because of his jail term. 

Imran Khan has been handed four convictions previously with two of them overturned while the sentences in the other two cases were suspended. However, he still remained in prison over pending cases. He was also barred from standing in February's election with his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) being hamstrung by a widespread crackdown. Also PTI won maximum seats in the poll, the other parties made a coalition with the influence of military establishment shutting them out of power.