IndiGo issued an apology to the Indian para-athlete, Suvarna Raj after she accused their crew of “mistreatment” during a flight from New Delhi to Chennai. Suvarna Raj requested the IndiGo crew to provide her with a personal wheelchair at the aircraft door, but they did not respond to her while she was on board the Chennai-bound flight from New Delhi on Friday, February 2.
The statement from IndiGo, in which they apologised to Suvarna Raj for her mistreatment, spoke about how they are committed to being an inclusive airline. They also confirmed about being in touch with the Indian para-athlete, while “conducting a thorough investigation” about her complaint against their crew.
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“We reaffirm our commitment to being an inclusive airline and are dedicated to addressing this matter promptly. We are in touch with Suvarna Raj and conducting a thorough investigation into the matter. We remain dedicated to upholding the highest standards of customer experience and apologise for the inconvenience caused to Suvarna Raj,” read the statement from IndiGo.
During a chat with ANI on Saturday, February 3, Suvarna Raj, the multi-time Asian Para Games medalist spoke about the ordeal she underwent on the IndiGo Airlines flight from New Delhi to Chennai. She said, “The airlines have been courting infamy with such incidents time and time again. Whenever I board a flight, I make it a point to request the crew members for a personal wheelchair at the aircraft door. I did it a thousand times before.”
“However, on numerous occasions, I did not get a wheelchair at the aircraft door. Why? Whenever I asked for my wheelchair at the aircraft door, the crew would say, 'Yes ma'am'. However, there was no wheelchair except the one in the cabin,” Survarna Raj added.
The Indian para-athlete also claimed how the IndiGo crew damaged her wheelchair costing ₹3 Lakh. She wants IndiGo to pay for causing damage to the wheelchair, and get it restored to its old state.
Here is Suvarna Raj talking to ANI about her mistreatment from IndiGo: