Indian Kurash athlete Vishal Ruhil was involved in a street brawl in the South West region of Delhi on Friday night. After this horrific event, now looks doubtful for the Hangzhou Asian Games. The athlete suffered a bleeding head injury and was admitted to a hospital along with his brother Vishant, also a Kurash player.
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Vishal is pursuing a diploma from the National Institute of Sports in Patiala, and was in Delhi on Friday, for the national coaching camp at the Indira Gandhi Sports Complex ahead of the Asian Games. But on Friday evening, his participation at the Asiad was in doubt after a judo coach attacked him and his brother with 15 people at Dwarka for declining to submit his name as his coach for the quadrennial event.
Talking about the incident to Hindustan Times, Vishal’s brother Vishant said, “The incident happened at 8 pm last night at Ramphal Chowk, Dwarka, Sector 7. The coach called us there and he was waiting with 14-15 people. They attacked with rod, bricks, and sticks. We have two coaches in our academy here where we train. We didn’t want to train under him, but he wanted that my brother takes his (name) for the Asian Games so that he can be included.”
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Vishant also talked about how Vishal’s dream of competing at the Asian Games may be doubtful as the doctors will be taking a call on his participation. “I have 14-15 stitches on the head and ear is also injured. Vishal also has 13 stitches on his head," Vishant said. "The doctors will assess our condition tomorrow. Vishal wants to compete at the Asian Games, it is a lifetime opportunity for him. The doctors will take a call tomorrow when to discharge him.”
Indian Kurash squad for Asian Games 2023
Keshav (Men's 66kg), Vishal Ruhil (Men's 81kg), Yash Kumar Chauhan (Men’s 90kg), Pincky Balhara (Women’s 52kg), Suchika Tariyal (Women's 52kg), Jyoti Tokas (Women's 87kg).