Indian long-jumper Murali Sreeshankar sealed the third spot in the Paris Diamond League with a jump of 8.09m on Saturday, June 10. The 24-year-old athlete registered his maiden top-three finish at one of the prestigious events in the Diamond League with 8m jump.
The Birmingham Commonwealth Games silver medallist with this finish became only the third Indian athlete to finish in top-three, only after Neeraj Chopra and former discuss thrower Vikas Gowda. Out of all the attempts, Sreeshankar’s best came in his third attempt. His fifth attempt read 7.99m, with the sixth ending in a foul.
It is to be noted that the Kerala-born athlete’s jump came below his best of 8.18m, which he recorded in Greece last month, winning a gold. Although, his personal best came last year, registering a jump of 8.36m.
Diamond League champion Miltiadas Tentoglou of Greece finished at the top with a jump of 8.13m with Simon Ehammer of Switzerland finishing second with a jump of 8.11m, putting Sreeshankar in the bronze medal place.