After enjoying his time away from cricket since winning the IPL title for the record fifth time, former India skipper MS Dhoni has been spotted at a cricket ground in Ranchi. In the viral video on social media, a young cricketer captured MS Dhoni on the field and the Chennai Super Kings skipper also gave a lift to the cricketer on his motorcycle.
The 42-year-old made the most of his vacation time in the USA and enjoyed the quarter-final clash of the US Open men’s singles, in which Carlos Alcaraz defeated Alexander Zverev in three straight sets by 6-3, 6-2, 6-4. Apart from that, Dhoni has been spotted with former US President Donald Trump on a golf course.
In a viral video on social media, MS Dhoni appeared to hold two cricket bats as he seemingly finished the training session. As Dhoni left the ground in Ranchi, the young cricketer captured Captain Cool riding the bike while the youngster rode a pillion on his motorcycle.
Watch the video here:
MS Dhoni-led CSK to their fifth IPL title as they joined Mumbai Indians as the only IPL teams to win the coveted trophy for a joint record of five titles. Despite speculations over MS Dhoni's future in the cash-rich Indian league, Thala is expected to return to the competition and help the Yellow Army win their sixth title next year.