Indian cricketer, Rishabh Pant returned to cricketing action as he was part of a match organised in JSW group's Vidyanagar township in Vijaynagar, Karnataka on August 15. In a clip that has gone viral, Pant is seen walking out to bat and attempting some of his trademark shots. The Delhi Capitals star also hits a six after dancing down the middle and smashing the ball over the bowler's head.
Pant's return to cricket will be a massive relief for Indian cricket as the wicketkeeper seemed to miss a lot more time after his horrific car accident in December 2022. Since then Pant has gradually recovered and has been working on his fitness at the National Cricket Academy in Bengaluru, Karnataka.
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In Vidyanagar, Rishabh Pant attended a program organised by the JSW foundation for India's 77th Independence Day and on the occasion, he also delivered an inspiring speech. In a video shared by JSW Foundation chairperson Sangita Jindal, Pant is urging young cricketers to enjoy the game.
He said, “Once you keep growing older, you stop loving the game. One of the reasons is that there is a lot of pressure, you want to excel in life and do this and that. But wo enjoyment nahi miss karna hai life mein, (Don’t miss the enjoyment in life)?”