Indian star batter Virat Kohli named his wife and Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma as his role model in life in a recent event before the Asia Cup 2023. Kohli and Team India are currently training for their tournament opener against Pakistan in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Kohli was speaking at an event organised by Amaze product launch.
Also Read: Virat Kohli embraces Haris Rauf ahead of India vs Pakistan Asia Cup 2023 clash
In a question-answer session, Kohli was asked about his role model in life and the former Indian captain, without any hesitation, named his Anushka Sharma. Explaining his answer, the Delhi-born batter spoke about how Anushka helps him gain clarity in life during difficult situations. Kohli also addressed his wife's ability to always do the right thing and stand behind her choices which gives him strength to do the same.
Check out the video here:
The launch ceremony included the Luminous Power Technologies team including Preeti Bajaj, CEO and MD, Neelima Burra, Senior VP and Chief Strategy, Transformation and Marketing Officer, Amit Shukla, Senior Vice President and country Head of energy Solutions Business and Rajesh Kalra, Vice President – Amaze Energy Solutions Business.
Coming back to Sri Lanka, the 34-year-old batter got hit while facing Mohammed Siraj in the nets ahead of Team India's match against Pakistan. Though Kohli confirmed of not getting injured, he soon left the net after the incident.
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