The All India Football Federation (AIFF) revealed on Tuesday that a transfer ban has been imposed by the global football governing body FIFA on the ISL outfit, East Bengal. AIFF received a circular from FIFA's Player Status Department and addressed it's member association that the transfer ban on the ISL club is effective from the start of this year.
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FIFA imposed the transfer ban on the Red and Gold Brigade for non-payment of dues to players. During the 2021 season, East Bengal FC endured a similar transfer ban due to non-payment of dues to three Indian players.
AIFF general secretary Shaji Prabhakaran signed a circular that read, "This circular is to notify all Member Associations and stakeholders of the All India Football Federation that a ban on registration of new players has been imposed on East Bengal FC."
East Bengal require to clear all its dues to lift the ban, which is effective from January 1, 2023. The circular further stated, "The ban is effective from 1st January 2023 until further notice, as per the communication received from FIFA's Player Status Department."
Reportedly, FIFA gave a 45-day notice to East Bengal in mid August last year, so the club could avoid ban on registering players. However, the Salt Lake Stadium-based club failed to clear the dues and received a transfer ban this year.
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