The third Test between India and Australia, which is scheduled to be played in Dharamsala between 1-5 March, can be shifted to Mohali if Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association (HPCA) fail to make the outfield of the stadium ready. Notably, the recent rains in the city have made the work of ground staff even more difficult and if it continues, the BCCI is keeping the option open of shifting the game to another city.
According to a report by Indian Express, the BCCI’s inspection team is set to visit Dharamsala on February 12 and the decision will be taken after that.
“There is still some work need to be done near the side area of the pitch. We are hopeful that things will be ready before the game. The HPCA will take a call after the BCCI inspection. We have relaid whole surface with proper drainage and have added sprinkle to the ground. Some work is still pending and as three weeks is left we feel the work will be completed,” a source in HPCA was quoted as saying to Indian Express.
Notably, the Dharamsala Stadium has hosted only one Test and that was in 2017 which was played between India and Australia. The board is still not sure how the pitch will behave as no matches have been played on the pitch for a while.
Ranji team Himachal played their home matches at Nadaun due to work at Dharamshala. The board is likely to make a final call on Monday or Tuesday.