The IPL 2023 fixture between Mumbai Indians and Gujarat Titans saw a hearty discussion between former India cricketers Aakash Chopra and Parthiv Patel on the Fair Play award. While speaking in the Jio Cinema commentary box,  Chopra put forth a question regarding Royal Challengers Bangalore's place in the Fair Play table. 

The Delhi-born batter said, " I don’t know why RCB occupies the last position on FairPlay Award in IPL 2023." Reacting to this Parthiv Pat el jokingly replied, " Everyone knows why they are on last," alluding to the countless verbal fights RCB players have been involved in the 2023 season of the IPL.

Talking about a massive verbal spat involving the Royal Challengers that occurred in their game against Lucknow Super Giants at the Ekana Stadium. After multiple heated back-and-forths in the game, the  aggression split over in the post-match had shakes where RCB star batter got into a verbal fight with Gautam Gambhir after budding heads with LSG stars Naveen-ul-haq and Kyle Mayers. 

In the aftermath of the fight, Gambhir, Kohli and Naven were fined by the BCCI. Gambhir and Kohli had to pay 100 per cent of their respective match fees in fines while Naveen was fined 50%. Since then, Kohli and Naveen's war of words passed on to social media as the duo have been sharing stories on their respective Instagram handles too.