Ashutosh Singh, aka Punk, is a professional BGMI esports athlete who plays for Goldike Esports as the in-game leader (IGL). Punk is recognized as one of the most versatile players in BGMI, capable of taking on any role within a team. He began his journey with Team XO in 2021 as an assaulter and later led the team to a third-place finish in BGMS Season 3 as the IGL. Check out GodL Punk BGMI ID 2024, controls, sensitivity, and more.
Player Information
Name - Ashutosh Singh
Profession - Esports Athlete
Approx total winnings - $34,985
Current team - Godlike Esports
YouTube Subscribers - 265K
Godlike Punk BGMI ID 2024
Godlike Punk BGMI ID is 5362026655, and his in-game name is "GodLPunkk." He played three matches in this season with a 12.33 F/D ratio. His account features some of the best collections of supercars, weapons, outfits, and more.
Godlike Punk BGMI Controls and Sensitivity
GodL Punk BGMI control code is 7008-3830-8717-5271-462. He uses a four-finger claw control to play BGMI, as shown in the attached image.
Camera Sensitivity (Free Look)
TPP (Character, Vehicle) - 100%
Camera - 100%
FPP (Character) - 70%
Camera Sensitivity
TPP No Scope - 169%
FPP No Scope - 171%
Red Dot, Holo, Iron Sight, and Canted Sight - 40%
2x Scope - 45%
3x Scope - 24%
4x Scope - 31%
6x Scope - 18%
8x Scope - 16%
TPP Aim - 99%
FPP Aim - 22%
ADS Sensitivity
TPP No Scope - 169%
FPP No Scope - 166%
Red Dot, Holo, Iron Sight, and Canted Sight - 50%
2x Scope - 50%
3x Scope - 40%
4x Scope - 31%
6x Scope - 12%
8x Scope - 19%
TPP Aim - 35%
FPP Aim - 30%
Gyroscope Sensitivity
TPP No Scope - 250%
FPP No Scope - 351%
Red Dot, Holo, Iron Sight, and Canted Sight - 350%
2x Scope - 400%
3x Scope - 279%
4x Scope - 241%
6x Scope - 174%
8x Scope - 97%
TPP Aim - 1%
FPP Aim - 1%
ADS Gyroscope Sensitivity
TPP No Scope - 400%
FPP No Scope - 400%
Red Dot, Holo, Iron Sight, and Canted Sight - 400%
2x Scope - 400%
3x Scope - 201%
4x Scope - 194%
6x Scope - 184%
8x Scope - 44%
TPP Aim - 1%
FPP Aim - 1%
Basic Settings
Fire Settings
Display Left-Side Fire Button - Always On
Bolt Action Rifle & Crossbow Firing Mode - Tap
Shotgun Firing Mode - Tap
Scope Settings
Scope Mode - Hold
Camera Rotation while ADS - Enable
Quick Scope Switch - Enable
Canted Sight Button - Tap to Switch
Focal Length Adjustment - Tap
Peek Settings
Peek - Enable
Peak Mode - Hold
Peek & Open Scope - Disable
Camera Rotation While Leaning - Enable
Advanced Controls
Universal Mask - Enable
Mark Assist - Enable
Headshot Sound Effect - Enable
Jump/Climb - Separate
Merge Crouch and Prome - Disable
Quick Throw - Enable
Throwables Quick Wheel - Switch
Throw Consumables - Disable
Transparent UI Mode - Disable
Slide (Arena) - Enable
FPP Swap - Enable
FPP Dynamic Holding - Enable
TPP - 80
Sprint Sensitivity - 100%
FPP - 90
Mark Style - Classic
Assist Features
Aim Assist - Disable
Main Screen Audio Markers - Only in Aftermath
Auto- Mark Hit Locations - Enable
Healing Prompt - Enable
Continuously Use Bandages - Enable
Auto Open Doors - Enable
Blocked Sight Warning - Enable
Horizontal Swipe Accelerations - Enable
Match Auto Message - Enable
Hold to Open Map - Disable
Show Throwables Trajectory Line - Enable
Auto Equip Melee Weapon (Put Away Firearm) - Disable
Default Melee Weapon Carried - Dagger
Reload Interrupt Method - Fire Interrupt
Auto Jump - Disable
Tap to Mark Location - Disable ‘
Default Parachute Follow - Enable
Aim Features - Enable
Aim - Hold
Aim Camera Rotation Feature - Enable