India all-rounder and Gujarat Titans skipper Hardik Pandya renewed his wedding vows with Natasha Stankovic on February 14, according to both Hindu and Christian traditions in Udaipur. Hardik tied the knot with Natasha during the COVID-19 pandemic before the birth of their son in a court marriage back then. Now, a month after their wedding, a video has gone viral in which the younger Pandya brother could be seen paying INR 5 Lakh to his sister-in-law Pankhuri Sharma. Pankhuri is the wife of Lucknow Super Giants’ all-rounder, who led the team in the IPL 2023 after skipper KL Rahul got ruled out from the season due to an injury.
Notably, the GT skipper had to pay a big sum of money to his sister-in-law to get his shoes back, which is a tradition in Indian culture. In the video doing circulations on social media, Pankhuri could be seen demanding INR 1 lakh to give Hardik his shoes back. But the Indian all-rounder decided to give her INR 5 lakh for the tradition.
Hardik could be seen asking Pankhuri, “You tell me how much do you want?" He was later saying to someone, “She demanded 1 Lakh, but I gave her 5 Lakh.”
Watch the video here:
Needless to say, the video went viral in no time. According to Indian traditions, the sister-in-law hides the groom's shoes in the wedding, and playfully demands money or gifts in return.
In 2023 season, Hardik Pandya led his team Gujarat Titans to the final of the IPL second time in a row. However, the 2022 champions slumped to Chennai Super Kings, who ended up winning their fifth IPL trophy, this season.
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