Suryakumar Yadav, the Indian T20I captain, made himself available to play for Mumbai in the Buchi Babu Invitational tournament organised by the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association (TNCA). Ahead of the upcoming domestic tournament, for which he will be added in the squad by the Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA), the 33-year-old spoke to the media about wanting to play for India in all the three formats.
Notably, Mumbai are slated to play against Jammu & Kashmir in the first match of the Buchi Babu Invitational tournament in Coimbatore from August 27 onwards. As per the report in the Times of India, Suryakumar Yadav spoke about how the upcoming domestic tournament will provide him good practice for red-ball cricket this season, apart from talking about his aspirations to be a part of the Indian cricket team in all formats.
“I will join the team after 25th. I’m always available to play for Mumbai and club team whenever free,” Surykumar Yadav said in a report from the Indian Express.
It further elaborated on the situation via a MCA source, who said, “He (Suryakumar Yadav) has informed us that he is available to play in the Buchi Babu tournament and his name will be added to the Mumbai side. Surya has always turned up for Mumbai cricket whenever he is available. In fact he is one of the few players who turn up for club matches in Mumbai maidaans.”
Suryakumar Yadav is slated to be a new addition to the 17-member Mumbai squad for the Buchi Babu Invitational tournament. The source further stated that Suryakumar Yadav made a suggestion about Sarfaraz Khan continuing to captain the state team in his presence.