In a heartwarming and generous incident, India’s star batsman KL Rahul was seen offering financial help to a needy student aspiring to pursue a college education in Karnataka’s Hubli. Amrut Mavinkatti is the name of the student who was facing financial issues while seeking admission to Hubli’s KLE College.
Amrut secured an excellent score of 95% in the PUC Examination and aspired to continue his education by pursuing the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) degree at KLE College, but financial problems prevented him from doing that. He told about this issue to his friend Manju Hebsur who immediately relayed his message to Akshay, who worked in Mumbai alongside several big names in cricket like Ravindra Jadeja, Virat Kohli, and KL Rahul.
Akshay was aware that KL Rahul had a generous side and wasted no time before dialing his number. KL Rahul was moved by Amrut’s struggle and immediately agreed to sponsor Amrut’s first-year degree expense which included the admission fees as well as the money required for purchasing books and food.
KL Rahul is known for his generosity as he helped many people a couple of years ago during the COVID-19 pandemic. Amrut extended his sincere gratitude towards the cricketer for helping him by posting a short video in Kannada in which he thanks the batsman. A video has gone viral on social media where Amrut talked about the Indian cricketer's heartwarming gesture.
KL Rahul is currently recovering from an injury to his right thigh which he incurred during the 2023 IPL while playing for the Lucknow Super Giants. He had to undergo surgery in Germany in May and is now in the rehabilitation phase. His exact date of comeback is not yet known and his participation in the ICC Cricket World Cup is also not known.