S ahil Jakhar, popularly known as Omega has left Carnival Gaming following a sudden leadership change. Hector was chosen as the new IGL, replacing Omega just before BGMS Season 3 k icked off in New Delhi without giving any reason for the change.
Omega did not join the team in Delhi for the Masters Series, indicating clear issues within Carnival Gaming. Hector, who wasn't even part of the main roster, was unexpectedly chosen to lead the team. Although it was initially clear that Omega would lead, the last-minute change in IGL resulted in Omega leaving the team without providing any reason.
On Friday, August 2nd, Omega announces its departure from Carnival Gaming through an Instagram story. He said goodbye to Carnival Gaming, his longtime teammates. "This journey has come to an end. See you on the other side."
Omega, regarded as one of the best IGLs of BGMI, led Team Soul to victory in the Battlegrounds Mobile India Pro Series, Season 1. Following his departure from Team Soul, he joined Carnival Gaming with his full roster, including Goblin, Neyo, Akshat, and Hector, on January 11, 2024. However, under the Carnival Gaming banner, they could not win anything.
Hector Replaces Omega as IGL
After the addition of Spower to the team, Hector played under his own banner, Team Hector, in third-party tournaments. He finished third in the APL Invitational Series 2024, while Omega-led Carnival Gaming placed 6th. Hector's strong performance as IGL might have convinced the management to choose him over Omega for the highly anticipated event.
Under Hector's leadership, Carnival Gaming is performing decently in BGMS Season 3, currently sitting in 12th position in League Week. While Hector's leadership has had its ups and downs in the series, his true test will begin with the playoffs.
With Omega's departure, the lineup featuring Akshat, Goblin, Hector, and Omega, formed under Team Soul, has broken up after achieving so much together. As BMPS 2024 starts in August, it will be interesting to see which team Omega will join next.