Bollywood actor Shraddha Kapoor shares a hilarious reaction as fans call her the reason for the rain during IPL 2023 Final. The IPL Final between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans was postponed to the reserve day as heavy rainfall pushed match officials to call off the game scheduled for Sunday, May 28.
Notably, Shraddha Kapoor was present during the pre-game show for Jio Cinema and hence fans were trolling the Bollywood actor and flooded social media calling her the ‘Rainmaker’. One of the biggest reasons behind the supporters blaming Shraddha Kapoor because she was featured in several popular rain songs such as ‘Cham Cham,’ ‘Baarish,’ and ‘Tum Hi Ho.’
Check out some of these reactions here:
Meanwhile, Shraddha Kapoor took these reactions all in good light and posted a message to her social media account to respond to the trolling with multiple laughing emojis. Check out Shraddha Kapoor’s post here:
This match will be o ne of the few times a reserve day was used it was for the 2019 50-over World Cup in England. It was the semi-final fixture where India took on New Zealand. The match started on July 9 and then was continued on a reserve day after a rain interference which saw the Kiwis take the win.