Insane Esports owner David Dey, also known as Debojoti Dey, is among the three main figures who have been arrested in Guwahati for running a fraudulent call center. Apart from the three main figures, Assam police 191 other individuals for their involvement in operating the fake call center.
Assam police conducted a rigorous process to arrest the cybercriminals as they were tipped about the "functioning of some scam call centers in Guwahati." After raiding eight fake call centers, police detained 191 individuals for working at illegal call centers.
Guwahati Police Commissioner Diganta Barah addressed the reporters on the operations and said, "There was information regarding the functioning of some scam call centers in Guwahati. We formed multiple teams and conducted raids at multiple locations simultaneously against individual targets and some call centers where these cybercriminals were operating. We raided 8 such places and we could detain 191 persons who were involved in cyber crimes, operating from these call centers, which were illegal. We could seize the electronic gadgets used in committing the crimes."
The Guwahati Commissioner of Police revealed that these fake call centers targeted foreign nationals and the transactions took place in the form of Bitcoin wallet or gift voucher numbers.
He stated, “Interestingly all these call centers they operated at night targetting mainly the foreign nationals, and the monetary transactions took place in the form of bitcoin wallet or in the form of sharing of gift voucher numbers. These transactions are encashed into Indian rupees through an international hawala gang. Those people who were found to be working in such call centers, 8 such call centers were busted by the Guwahati Police last night.”
CP Diganta concluded, "These scammers impersonate some kind of genuine tech support staff or customer service staff, they target gullible victims and they somehow in the process of conversation instill some kind of fear in the mind of any targetted victim and extract personal information. This, personal information the scammers use to convert into monetary transactions."