Harbhajan Singh, Suresh Raina, and S Sreesanth, the former cricketers of Team India had recently met with Rishabh Pant at his residence to learn about his current state of health and keep him motivated for the challenges ahead. The star Indian cricketer was involved in a massive car accident on the morning of December 30 last year on the Delhi-Dehradun highway.
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Pant was travelling to Roorkee to surprise his mother. Talking about the accident, he escaped the car mere seconds before it went up in flames, but suffered many serious injuries that are expected to keep him out of cricket for a really long time.
Harbhajan Singh was happy to see Rishabh Pant and looked forward to watching him make a comeback to the Indian Cricket Team soon. “TRUST AND KNOW THERE IS SOMETHING INSIDE YOU THAT IS GREATER THAN ANY OBSTACLE YOU FACE ..GOOD TO SEE YOU CHOTTE BHAI . WAITING FOR YOUR COMBACK. @RishabhPant17 #Brotherhood @ImRaina @sreesanth36,” tweeted Bhajji.
Check out the tweet here:
Meanwhile, Suresh Raina also tweeted about the recent Rishabh Pant meetup and expressed a quick recovery for the Indian wicketkeeper. He posted, “Brotherhood is everything ..family is where our heart is..wishing our brother @RishabhPant17 the very best and fast recovery @harbhajan_singh @sreesanth36.”
Check out the tweet here:
Also, S Sreesanth took to Instagram and expressed adoration towards Risbhab Pant. He posted this,”@rishabpant I love you, my brother, for who ur – keep believing and keep inspiring , You and I are children of one faith, for the diverse paths of religion are fingers of the loving hand of the one supreme being, a hand extended to all, offering completeness of spirit to all, eager to receive all.”
Check out the post here:
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