In a tragic turn of events, around six individuals were injured and sent to the hospital after a massive brawl during a Celebrity Cricket League in Bangladesh. The fight took place between the teams of filmmaker Mustafa Kamal Raj and Dipankar Deepon. Allegedly the altercation started after a questionable umpire’s decision as players confronted each other.

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These verbal exchanges soon led to a physical fight as a few players were spotted punching and slapping one another. Things quickly escalated as the individuals started attacking each other with bats. Shishir Sardar, Raj Ripa, Joy Chaudhry, Atiq Rehman, Sheikh Shuvo, and Ashiq Jahid were reported to suffer serious injuries after the altercation.

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Raj Ripa said on social media that Mustafa Kamal Raj would take responsibility if anything happened to her career and accused his team of throwing water bottles at her.  Similarly, Actor Monir Hossain Shimul from Dipankar’s team said: "They brought outsiders who started attacking us. What kind of a CCL match is this?" as quoted by Dhaka Tribune. 

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Actor Joy Chowdhury, another player from the same team, said: "Raz Bhai's team initiated the attack, bringing in outsiders. One of our players was assaulted, and Mousumi Hamid got injured." The tournament was also cancelled in the aftermath of these unforeseen events.