With Chennai Super Kings already in the IPL 2023 Final, fans can be seen in large numbers outside the Narendra Modi Stadium. Ahead of the Qualifier 2, which is set to take place between Gujarat Titans and five-time champions Mumbai Indians on May 26, fans and cricket enthusiast can be seen flooding the outside the Narendra Modi Stadium.
Also Read: IPL 2023 Closing Ceremony - Date, Timings, Venue, Broadcast, Live Streaming, Performers & More
On the eve of the Qualifier 2, as fans came in large numbers to collect and buy tickets for the IPL 2023 final, a stampede like situation was seen outside the stadium. The fans started question the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) for such a situation.
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However, there hasn’t been any official announcement regarding the offline booking of the same, those with online ticket bookings had to collect their passes from the Box Office by scanning the QR code and collect the copy. The ticket window which opened on May 25 saw long queues, but some mismanagement led to the intervention of local police to handle the situation.
With MS Dhoni-led Chennai Super Kings in the Final and one of either Mumbai Indians or Gujarat Titans will advance to the final, thus simplifying that the 2023 edition will not see a new winner. The IPL 2023 Final is set to take place on May 28 at the Narendra Modi Stadium.