The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has reportedly rejected the idea of hosting India vs Pakistan Test series at a neutral venue, which was proposed by the Pakistan Cricket Board’s Chairman Najam Sethi. Earlier, Sethi had proposed hosting a bilateral Test series between the neighbouring nations, and the BCCI has dismissed the potential of any such event happening in the future, confirmed a BCCI source.
In an interview to an international news portal, Sethi had said that he is open to a bilateral series, involving nations like India, Pakistan, Australia, England or even South Africa. He had said, “Yes, I think bilateral Test matches can be played in Australia, England, South Africa." “But I think the best bet would be England and following that Australia. If you can get a house full in any of the Australian stadiums, fine, that would be great," he further added. However, the ANI has confirmed that the cricket regulating body in India has denied such plans.
The source was quoted saying, “No plans for such kind of series to happen in the future or upcoming days. We aren’t ready for any kind of bilateral series with Pakistan. Notably, India and Pakistan appeared in a Test in December 2007. Meanwhile, the uncertainty over the venue for Asia Cup 2023 remains undecided as the Men in Blue won’t travel to Pakistan for the tournament and Sri Lanka as well as Bangladesh have rejected the idea of hosting the tournament in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)."